Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Week Four - with Twitter!

Whoops! I completely missed the 'Twitter' section of Week 4, so here's the addendum to my previous post.

Twitter. That's a word I've heard a lot of lately. It was described to me by a Twitter-literate friend as - 'A way to tell people what you're doing at the moment.'

Then I said - 'Why?'

See, I just don't get it. I mean, I know how it works: I just don't understand why anyone would be interested in what I'm doing at the moment.

"@EverettBishop: Just seen 'Bright Star', it was awful, couldn't wait for Keats to die".

"@EverettBishop: Now lying on couch post-Burger Fuel".

I mean, why would I torture my friends with this stuff? Admittedly the first 'Tweet' might possibly save them forking out for 'Bright Star' but aside from that... look. I'm sorry, but my life is just not interesting enough for Twitter.

Nevertheless, to fulfill the requirements of Week 4, here's my Twitter.

However, I can certainly see how Twitter would be an excellent marketing and promotion tool for a library, especially event promotions. Great for reminding people about author talks and so on.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's really suprising what people think others want to know. What's even more surprising is how many people actually want to know that kind of stuff. I suppose you can one way twitter- just add people and read what they are saying rather than having to 'tweet' yourself.Good job as always, keep it up!
