Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Week Nine - Final Post!

First we look at Podcasts. My task is to familiarise myself with some Podcast search tools, then link to one.

The search tools were straightforward enough. I didn't have time to really assess any particular podcast, but I'm a horror fan, so I picked a random horror themed podcast that I found on podcast directory. And here it is!

My next task is to consider ebooks, and look at the Auckland City Libraries netlibrary, and open a free account. I did so easily enough, although I think the layout of the ACL netlibrary is a little cluttered; it took a little while for me to figure exactly what I was joining up to. But now 'Schopenhauer 2010' is an official elibrary member.

Ebooks in general are useful for quickly getting your hands on textbooks and so on. For example, this Yale course on the philosophy of death that I'm doing has Tolstoy's 'Death of Ivan Ilych' as a set text; it's nice to be able to easily read it through my net account.

However I still love the physical aspects of books. Etexts are useful but if I want to read for pleasure I'll stick to paper, thanks.

Finally, I'm tasked with reflecting on my learning process for this course.

I definitely enjoyed this 2.0 learning experience. I think 'learning by doing' is both fun and effective. I'm slightly over the course deadline by one day - hey, I blame library school - but I probably shouldn't have written so much in my posts! Oh well, I'm opinionated. Hope I still get a memory stick. Regardless, I look forward to the next learning program which is I believe is a more advanced version of the 2.0 exercises I've done here. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! And I'm pleased to hear you feel you've got something out of the programme- I've enjoyed reading your posts!
