Thursday, March 18, 2010

Week Eight Part One

This week it's all about online productivity tools. Personally I'm more of a fan of online unproductivity but that's just me.

It seems to be that the Microsoft Office package of applications is clumsy, annoying and even, yes, patronizing to the average user; for example, the animated dancing paper clip that offers generic, hopeless, instructions. And on principle I'm for anything that prises Microsoft's giant fingers away from the throat of 90% of personal computer users. Thus Google Docs - in essence a free online version of Microsoft's popular Office software - strikes me as a good thing.

Still, there's the possibility that one day, as the Microsoft moster reluctantly releases it's stranglehold on business productivity tools, the Google monster will eagerly step up and wrap its meaty hands around the same poor throat. I wish I could pretend to myself that the Google monster is less malicious; but underneath that faux air of techno-cool it's all about making money. A monster in a zany costume is still a monster.

My task this week is to join Google Docs and link to a doc from my blog. So here we are:

On to part two!

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