My next task is to use 'Picnik' to play around with an image, then post the altered image to my blog.
Picknik is a nice little web application. This site will be useful to customers using the library computers; no need for photoshop or even its free cousins such as GIMP. Of course Picnik doesn't have the sheer image processing power of a dedicated software application, but one can crop, resize, and alter easily enough. This will be handy for the crowds of backpackers, memory sticks bulging with digital photographs, who flock like Nordic birds to our internet terminals.
Here, I altered Schopenhauer's 'temperature' to a cool blue tone, cropped the image, and added a dashing black moustache.
My final task is to experiment with some image generators - a fun thing to do.
I was intially impressed by 'Obamicon me' which I found on the Generator blog. It enables you to upload an image and change it into the style of the iconic Obama poster used in the last U.S. election. However I became irritated when attempting to save the image - it looked as though I needed to register and that bugs me. A shame, because I had a nice image of Schopenhauer in Obama style with the caption 'Pessimism'.
But then I discovered a magazine cover generator courtesy of the BigHugeLabs site. The result was the following hypothetical magazine.

And here ends week three!
Fab facial hair! I see real 'Friday afternoon' value in some of these things!